Spinal cord injuries can cost you a lot of money over the course of your lifetime. You have to think about the medical care costs, personal care expenses and a host of other factors when you are trying to determine what the injury is going to cost you. We know that this is very difficult, but we are here to help.
When you opt to seek compensation for a spinal cord injury, you need to determine the full cost of the injury. This includes the money that you would have earned from work if you weren’t injured. It includes the medical bills that you already have and that you will receive in the future. You may have to consider the cost of having your vehicle adapted to fit your needs and the cost of having your home retrofitted. You need to think about the cost of equipment and devices, such as wheelchairs and similar items, that you might need.
We know that thinking about all of this money coming out isn’t something that is pleasant; however, it is crucial so that we can come up with an accurate account of what you might need. We can try to help you determine these points.
Our Team Is Here To Assist You Every Step Of The Way.
SPEAK TO AN ATTORNEY TODAYAnother point that we have to think about is how the injury impacted your life. For example, if you were able bodied before the accident and paralyzed now, we have to include that significant life change into your case. The more information we provide, the better your case will be shored up as we work to get the compensation you deserve.