Consult with an Oklahoma workers’ comp lawyer early and often
Getting proper medical care is a priority after any accident, and this is certainly true for employees who are hurt on the job. The nature of the treatment will vary, and the Oklahoma Workers’ Compensation Commission (WCC) reports an array of injuries related to the 8,000 cases the agency receives every year. The most common forms of harm are strains, slips and falls, and being struck by an object, while transportation-related crashes also occur frequently. If you were hurt, you know to seek treatment right away.
However, medical care with workers’ comp also carries legal implications, and there are other aspects of your claim that affect benefits. Retaining a Tulsa, OK workers’ compensation lawyer is a wise move for addressing details, but you might wonder about how often you should be providing updates about treatment. It may not be necessary to call your attorney after every appointment but staying in touch often helps overcome potential challenges.
Our Team Is Here To Assist You Every Step Of The Way.
SPEAK TO AN ATTORNEY TODAYApplying for Oklahoma Workers’ Comp Benefits
You will probably be in close communication with your attorney often during the initial stages of the claims process. It is likely that you will be attending many doctor’s appointments during this time and reaching out after each one ensures you are on the same page. Plus, your lawyer can guide you in addressing challenges, such as when the insurance company claims that:
- You did not see a physician who was approved by your employer and/or insurer, which is required by workers’ comp laws unless you require emergency care;
- Your injuries were not serious enough to require medical care;
- You do not suffer from a medical condition related to work, which is a common allegation in cases involving strain injuries; or,
- You did not follow the physician’s orders about treatment and physical limitations.
There are also non-medical reasons that the insurer disputes your claim, such as claims that you are not a covered employee or did not provide notice within 10 days after suffering injuries.
When to Call Your Lawyer After Approval
You should also stay in touch with your attorney once you are approved for benefits and are still receiving treatment for your injuries. When you are out of work because of your medical condition, you will have appointments with physicians who are trying to assess your Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI). These are doctors retained by the insurance company, and their goal is to justify a termination of benefits. It is a good idea to contact your attorney after these appointments and discuss details. Additionally, you should reach out if your condition worsens or you exacerbate your injuries.
Call Our Tulsa, OK Workers’ Comp Attorneys to Discuss Your Rights
Regular communication with your lawyer is crucial for your initial claim and ongoing medical treatment, and our team at BDIW Law welcomes your call. To learn more about our legal services in the area of Oklahoma workers’ compensation laws, please contact us to set up a free case review.