As we recently discussed, brain injuries can occur when a teen is involved in a car crash. The effects of these injuries can be devastating for a teenager. When you think about it, you can see why someone in this age group might feel like his or her life is ruined by this type of injury.
We know that parents of teens are also troubled about the thought that one accident can impact their teen in such a considerable way. This is a thought that parents shouldn’t ever have to have, but you can’t always control accidents.
If your teen is facing the possibility of an altered future because of a brain injury, you might decide that you are going to seek compensation for the injury. You will have to think carefully about a variety of financial factors to determine how you are going to handle this situation.
When you seek compensation for your teenager, you need to think about the expenses that you already have because of the brain injury. You also need to think about the expenses that you and the teen will incur in the future. All of this comes together to determine the amount of compensation you are claiming. Remember, once you have an award or a settlement, you can’t come back later seeking more money.
We recognize that this is a difficult time for you. Your focus is on helping your teen, and rightly so. We can help you evaluate the legal options that you have and help you work toward the financial compensation that might help you as you deal with this situation.