Most lawsuits related to drunk driving accidents involve an injured person suing the drunk driver who caused the accident, but in some cases, you can sue another party who irresponsibly provided alcohol to the driver. In some car accidents, it is one person’s word against another’s about who is at fault for the accident, but …
How Beneficial are Dash Cams and Should Everyone Have One?
Dashboard cameras protect safety and support a Tulsa, OK car accident claim. Dash-mounted cameras have been equipped on vehicles of law enforcement for many years, but this technology is increasing in popularity among motorists due to the numerous benefits it delivers. Statistics published by industry research groups reveal that the market size for dash cams …
How do accidents happen in work zones?
Negligence is behind work zone accidents in Oklahoma There is a saying that summer is road work season in the US, but the truth is that there are various projects going on across Oklahoma throughout the year. On any given day, you can drive around Tulsa and see work zone signs alerting motorists to the …
What are the Current Regulations in OK for E-scooters?
E-scooters are popular in Oklahoma, and numerous regulations exist for your safety It is not surprising that e-scooter sharing services have exploded in popularity in Tulsa just as they have across the US. Vehicles available through Bird, Lime, and other companies are affordable, convenient, and easy to use. E-scooters are ideal for short trips, especially …
Are Red Light Runners Always Liable in Intersection Accidents?
However, liability with any vehicle crash is complicated. Running a red light does not automatically entitle you to compensation, and there are other requirements to meet when filing a claim. A Tulsa car accident attorney will describe how the process works, especially the types of evidence that will be important to your case. An overview …
Who is Held Liable for a City Bus Accident?
Help from an Oklahoma bus accident attorney is critical for proving liability. Many people assume that traveling by bus is one of the safest forms of transportation, and there is truth to this assumption. In fact, fatalities from bus accidents represent a tiny fraction of the total victims killed in motor vehicle accidents annually. Still, …
What to do if You Fail a Field Sobriety Test
On behalf of Brad Wicker of BDIW Law posted on Tuesday, December 17, 2019. Our Ponca City, OK DUI attorneys explain what to do if you fail a field sobriety test. It is every driver’s worst nightmare: You are headed down the road when you spot red lights flashing in your rearview mirror. You pull over and the officer …
Common Distracted Driving Behaviors
Our Ponca City motor vehicle accident attorneys want you to be aware of distracted driving behaviors that increase your risk of crashes and collisions. Many of us lead busy lives and have hectic schedules. Having to juggle your time and multitask at home, work, or in your personal life is common. Unfortunately, this can easily …