Working in an oil field is an extremely dangerous occupation. The equipment used can weigh thousands of pounds and do untold damage to those unlucky enough to be injured on the job. If you or someone you love has been hurt in an oil field accident, it is critical to work with an attorney who has experience handling these matters.
At BDIW Law in Ponca City, our northern Oklahoma oil field injury lawyers have more than 65 years of combined experience handling a wide range of personal injury claims, including oil field accident cases throughout the state. We understand how to handle this type of litigation, and we are committed to remaining by your side through all aspects of your case.
Causes Of Oil Field Accidents
Most oil field accidents are catastrophic, and many are fatal. With extraordinarily large, complex machinery and sometimes poorly trained people operating this machinery, lost limbs, paralysis, brain and spinal cord injuries and wrongful death are all too common. Frequent causes of these tragic accidents include:
- Human error: With the complexity of the machinery involved, it is understandable that people operating this machinery will make mistakes from time to time. Incorrect measurements, mishandling of gear and simply not paying attention can all lead to serious accidents.
- Defective machinery: Some oil field accidents are a result of equipment malfunctions and unexpected glitches, leading to catastrophic injuries.
- Unexplainable accidents: Although it is rare, some oil field accidents are just that: accidents, with no co-worker or machinery apparently at fault. In these cases, there are still several options for obtaining compensation on your behalf.
Depending on the specifics of your situation, compensation could come in the form of a personal injury claim, a work injury claim, Social Security Disability or other means. Our lawyers will search out every avenue for potential compensation on your behalf so that you get the best award possible for the injuries and losses you have suffered.
Our Team Is Here To Assist You Every Step Of The Way.
SPEAK TO AN ATTORNEY TODAYContact BDIW Law for a free initial consultation
Talk with an attorney from our firm as soon as possible. Call us at 580-789-4936 or email us for a free initial consultation. Our fees are based on a percentage of the compensation awards we obtain for clients, so you will not see any attorney fees until we are successful.