If you have been injured in a workplace incident in Oklahoma, you may qualify for a variety of benefits. This will depend on the nature of the injury and the work done. The benefits you receive should cover any necessary medical expenses in addition to any lost wages for time away from work.
You may be eligible to receive temporary total disability, temporary partial disability, permanent total disability, permanent partial disability, or death benefits. Below you will find an explanation of each of these workers’ compensation benefits .
Temporary Total Disability
Temporary total disability (TTD) will be awarded if you are unable to return to work for more than three days. This is the case if the employer cannot accommodate you with less strenuous work. These will cover up to 70% of your normal weekly pay. Oklahoma does place a maximum rate on these benefits, which changes every year.
You may be eligible for TTD assistance until you are able to go back to work, have reached the point of maximum medical improvement (MMI), or have received benefits for the maximum number of weeks in the state of Oklahoma.
In general, TTD benefits will be paid for a maximum of 104 weeks. There are exceptions to this rule, which apply when injuries are categorized as one of the following:
● Soft tissue injuries (a maximum of eight weeks);
● Hernias (six weeks); and
● Mental illnesses (26 to 52 weeks, depending on the severity of the illness).
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Temporary partial disability (TPD) benefits will be awarded if you can return to work but at a lower wage rate than normal. This will cover 70% of the difference between the wages you receive before and after the injury. You will receive TPD benefits until you go back to work, you reach MMI, or up to 52 weeks.
Permanent Total Disability
If you have reached MMI, but your doctor determines that you can no longer perform any job functions within your level of training or experience, you may qualify for permanent total disability (PTD). These benefits will cover 70% of the average weekly wages you would receive otherwise. Payments will be made for up to 15 years or until Social Security retirement age.
Permanent Partial Disability
The state of Oklahoma will pay permanent partial disability (PPD) benefits if an injury leaves you with permanent limitations on the type of work you can perform. These may be paid on a weekly basis or as a lump sum. PPD benefits will qualify as either a whole-body injury or a scheduled loss.
You may qualify for a scheduled loss in the case of an amputation or other complete loss of a body part. These will cover 70% of your average weekly wages up to the amount of time specified in the schedule.
Any other PPD is calculated as a percentage of the whole body. When you reach MMI, your doctor will determine as a percentage the amount of body function you have lost. These benefits are based on a 350-week period.
Death Benefits
If a loved one has died as a result of a workplace injury , you may be qualified for death benefits. Any surviving dependents or spouses may receive weekly payments, depending on marital status and the number of dependents. The state of Oklahoma places a maximum on the amount received. According to Oklahoma law, the insurance company must also pay $10,000 minimum for funeral expenses.
Contact an Oklahoma Workplace Injury Attorney
If you or a loved one was injured in a workplace accident, contact a qualified attorney at the law firm of Boettcher, Devinney, Ingles, & Wicker to ensure you receive the benefits you deserve.